Assessment Sign Up

We offer both text and voice reminders for your appointments. Do you grant Belair Clinic permission to send you reminders about your upcoming appointments to the phone number provided?
If you have a probation officer, please include their name, phone number, fax number, and which court they are affiliated with. If you are not on probation, just type N/A.
If you have a lawyer, please include their name, phone number, fax number, and which firm they are affiliated with. If you are not seeking an assessment due to legal concerns, just type N/A.
If you've had previous counseling, please include it here--including dates of service and name of facility or counselor.
We are currently only in network with the private insurance companies listed below. We are not in network with any state insurance such as AppleHealth, Molina, etc. If you have any questions please give us a call.
This is required for those insured with LifeWise