Mindfulness Skills Training

Numerous studies have shown how practicing Mindfulness Skills Training in Bellingham, WA can improve our quality of life and aid in the management of conditions including stress, chronic pain, depression, and anxiety. At Clarity MHR, we think that people require a balanced awareness of a few crucial areas in order to have a successful mindfulness practice.

Mindfulness of our thoughts, our communication with ourselves and others, our body and movement, our breath, our feelings, our senses and sensations, our traumas and emotional wounds, our behavior patterns, as well as mindfulness of our relationships to everything outside of ourselves, such as our work, our education, and our loved ones, are just a few of these areas.

Mindfulness Skills Training

The practice of “mindfulness” is becoming more commonplace as part of mental health treatment as research demonstrates that mindfulness helps reduce anxiety and depression. Practicing mindfulness involves breathing methods, guided imagery, and other practices to relax the body and mind.

In our therapy sessions, we place a lot of emphasis on encouraging our clients to cultivate a mindfulness practice that includes not only meditation exercises but also purposeful awareness-building of their relationships with the various facets of wellness, including physical, social and familial, mental/emotional, intellectual, occupational/academic, and environmental wellness.

bellingham mindfulness skills training